Learn Ways To Save Your Company’s Money In 5 Minutes.


There is nothing more important than taking control of financial activities and the situation of your small business. There are many ideas and ways through which you can control the disruptive operations that makes you consume more money. You don’t need to make drastic changes to make improvements. 

Here are speedy ways to save your company’s money that doesn't take a lot of time and effort.

#Utilizing An Efficient Font For Printing Documents.

If you want to save thousands of dollars on a yearly basis, just simply choose the simpler and the smaller font size for printing all your company’s documents. The biggest reason for using smaller fonts is that printer uses less ink to print, and reduced use of ink consumption per document may sound small but small saving always accumulate in the longer run. It’s not just the font size, but using Sans Serif font is highly efficient than using any stylish font. One of the surveys conducted by the school has proved that they have saved more than $21,000 on printing costs during a year by using cost effective font and font size.

#Minimum Usage Of Paper.

Encouraging employees to bring devices to their meeting rooms rather printing handouts that are passed around at a meeting. After minimizing ink consumption as well as avoiding paper usage for every meeting can save a lot of company money. A company can choose to share documents via local network, rather than sending printed office documents and memos. You can allow your employees to send electronic invoices to your clients, and employees can bring digital documents to their board meetings.

#Save Money Through Bundled Services.

Most of the times companies like to procure high-end third party packages that cost a lot of money. And companies hardly use all the products and services that’s where they waste money. The company can simply choose for cheaper yet lower performance products and further procuring these services for free with bundled services. So, just call your service provider to ask if they have bundled plan for your business.




#Save In Tax Credits By Hiring Disabled Or Returning Veteran.

According to US two notable programs, the Returning Heroes Tax Credit- businesses can get a max tax credit of $5,800 in case they hire a veteran; the Wounded Warriors Tax Credit- businesses get a max credit of $9,600 for hiring a disabled veteran. The company can work with the HR department to create a veteran hiring plan.

#Leasing Bulky Equipment.

All those bulky seldom-used equipment that company hardly use can save on its maintenance costs, and earn an extra amount of revenue by leasing that out to other businesses. Such as- factory machineries, servers, large-scale printers, construction tools & equipments, or company vehicles. It is best to make a list of equipment that can be used for leasing or renting purposes.

#For Payrolls Use Direct Deposit or Debit Cards Only.

Instead of using checks use debit cards or direct deposits for eliminating the expenses such as- printing of checks, envelopes, storage time, and manual issuance. Good to set up direct deposit for payroll people, so as to reduce risks of fraud.

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