Advantages or Disadvantages In Producing Own Electricity From Solar Power.


Discover Advantages and Disadvantages Of Solar Energy.

Solar power is gaining popularity and is talked about at the major media talk shows and forums due to the reason that it is natural, clean, simple and renewable.  No doubt, solar energy is certainly the long run trend of energy due to free and renewable energy source for many households. 

There are many advantages such as- 

-cutting down the electricity bill; 

-get tax rebates and incentives;

-converting home appliances to use solar energy; 

-it is a renewable source of energy, 

-reduce the world pollution and help save the planet; 

-requires minimum maintenance cost. 

Due to rising electricity bills, blackouts, and burning of fossil fuels, people are turning to solar technology. 

However, these advantages are associated with major disadvantages of solar energy that we cannot ignore.

·         The High Cost Of Initial System Installation-

The set up cost involved in buying the solar energy system is too expensive for some people to even think about such energy option. It might cost you $10,000 to install a solar energy hot water system. The lump-sum and upfront price discourage people to go for solar power system and they find affordable and manageable to pay a monthly electricity bill. The system doesn’t guarantee that it will work for you as per your energy needs to run the home power, and might end up paying for traditional electricity bills as well. However, this shortfall can be overcome with a magnetic power generator for better power availability.


·         Requires Massive Area For Installing Solar Panels-

The solar panels are used to harness the sun's energy and convert it into electricity. The solar system can work efficiently with a multiple solar panels installed in larger area. The shortage of space or expensive areas is the major disadvantage to have solar power for your home.

·         Only Useful If The Sun Is Shining-

We know solar energy is useful if the sun is shining out, but the sun does not shine 24 hours a day. The solar energy cannot generate during the night and some places like up north hardly see sunlight. The cloudy, dusty and polluted locations can block the sun rays and hence not enough power is generated. You can overcome such problems with battery backup system.

·         Not Enough Development Of Solar Technologies-

The solar technology does not work enough yet, the solar collectors supply very limited amount of energy. For the homes that need extra power where children need to be bathed many times, heaters for swimming pool, need power to boil the jug for a cup of coffee, require huge amounts of solar power. The constant efforts and backup batteries will help to produce more energy.

Advantages Out Numbered Disadvantages.

There are many hurdles that might discourage people to install the system. However, there are some do-it-yourself guidelines available in the market to build your own solar system with low-cost to save installation fees. You can easily find out yourself that solar power has a bright future that helps to prevent global warming, encouraging individuals to go solar with lots of new and innovative solar technology coming ahead. 

Contact some popular solar system installing companies in your local area and found out the cost of installation. 


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