How Photovoltaic Cells Produce Electricity?



Simple Meaning Of Photovoltaic Cells.

In simple words, Photovoltaic cells are the most important module of a solar panel that actually convert sunlight into electricity. If we split the word Photovoltaic into two, the photo means light and voltaic comes from physicist Volta, is another word for solar. The significant amount of electric power is produced from sunlight through the process of solar photovoltaics. A Photovoltaic(PV) cell is made up of semi-conducting material, is an electrical device used for capturing and converting the sunlight into electricity.

How do Photovoltaic cells work?

You must have noticed a single Photovoltaic cell present in the calculator that never run out of battery. That single cell produces only a limited amount of energy, but when these cells are arrayed to form a large frame such as solar panels considerable amount of energy is produced. The multiple panels are installed to light a bulb, keep your refrigerator running, and many more appliances running without burning the fuels or poisonous coals.

The Photovoltaic cells are made of two semiconductors known as N-Type (or negative) and P-Type (or positive). N-Type is made with a combination of silicon and phosphorus, and P-Type with silicon and boron. These cells have the characteristics to absorb the sunlight. When the sunlight strikes the PV cell,  the energy is absorbed within the semiconductor material. The energy release the electrons that flow freely. The electrical field is generated that forces the electrons to flow from the P side to N side in order to cause current. The freed electrons transfer to the positive layer to create a voltage differential such as household batteries.

The electrons free flow through the circuit to create electricity, when 2 layers are connected. Each individual cell can produce only 1-2 watts, the cells are combined into a solar module to increase the power. These are then wired up in a serial or parallel form known as a solar array.

The silicon and semiconductor material are the unlimited resources, therefore the solarpower cells are very environmentally friendly. They are absolutely clean, silent and burn no fuel and are maintenance free. The homeowners can save over $1,000 a year by installing solar panels on their roof. Are you struggling topay electricity bills? Waste no time in making an amazing investment for installing solar panels so that you can have brighter and pollution free environment. The best way to go solar power completely is by leasing the panels, which means you are not paying the utility, but helps you pay less to produce your own energy.

PV System Can Generate Even Without Sun.

On a good sunny day around 1000 watts of energy can be produced. The amazing part is that the solar power is clean, without burning coals is completely pollution free and forms a best source of energy. 

What happens at night time or if the sun is not out? 

The PV system cannot generate energy at night, but this system is capable of storing a collected amount of energy in a battery for use during the night or non-sunny days. The PV cells diffuse solar radiation that has light as spread by dust and water particles in the atmosphere.





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