Run Your Air Conditioning With Solar Power.





Solar Power Air Conditioner.

Do you favor green energy? 

Yes. Green energy or solar energy is clean and renewable source of energy we get from the sun. Today, due to improvement in solar technology you can buy an air conditioner that is powered by solar cells during sunny days and nights that run with a back up batteries recharged the next day.

During the hot days of summer air conditioners are the largest user of electricity, that makes you wonder how to save energy. The answer to this is the solar powered airconditioner

The hot summer days usually have sun shining bright all day long which is ideal for solar power air conditioner. The new advancements have made it possible to use infrared rays of the sun’s energy to activate the solar power for homes. 

With a boost in the technological front we can use extra 30% of power which will be 6% that of what we use now. 

Residential Air Conditioning In America. 

According to facts 5% of America’s electricity is used for residential air conditioning, which is not a luxury but a necessity of every American resident. Therefore, if you are in the race of having a solar powered air conditioning and wonder if it is really an inexpensive affair or not. 

Most central air conditioners use 220/240V AC in order to drive a refrigerant through a heat ex-changer and to function a fan. 

These units are very large which can cool total house up to 2200 ft. The room air conditioner use 110V which can cool up to 300ft. 

The room air conditioner can be easily powered by solar panels. This is a very cost effective system, that helps you cut down the electricity bills completely.  

Types Of Solar Powered Air Conditioners?

Mainly two types of solar air conditioners such as Active or Passive are there. 

The active further are of two types such as- 

-solar absorption cooler; and

-solar desiccant cooler. 

The thermal collectors are used to absorb solar heat, and to separate refrigerant and absorbent fluids which cools the air and is sent in the house. On the other hand desiccant wheels are used in Solar desiccant cooler to cool the air.

The other type passive is an inbuilt air conditioning system. 

A solar chimney or solar cooling tower is built on the southern face of the house so that it can easily absorb sun’s energy. The chimney is further connected with a vent in the house to cool the house. The water pipes create a cool ambience in the house. 



Advantages Of Solar Air Conditioner.

Running a solar poweredair conditioner not only keep you cool, but also help you reduce pollution, saves money. With the use of solar air conditioning, no non-renewable energy will be depleted in the air, and only natural resources like, sun, air, water will be used. 

You can save precious electricity bill and inexpensive setup will make it very cost effective system. You will get dedicated power supply, and still work even if your main power is not working.   

Thus, it creates financial as well as ecological benefits to be a reason for solar powered cooling house. 





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