Sleep Better with these Holistic Tips


Know a list of actions that are important to make your sleep a good sleep hygiene.

Sleep is one of the most important parts of life. After all, it accounts for almost a third of a person’s lifetime.Therefore, it’s important to make the most of sleep, and to try to have good sleep hygiene.

"Sleep hygiene" refers to the quality of one’s sleep and whether or not it’s actually as beneficial as it could, or should, be. With modern technologies, such as electricity that allows activity later in the day, sleep habits have changed a lot over the years, and people are less likely to just follow the natural rhythms of nature and sunlight.

Here are some actions one can take to sleep better:

1. Sleep in a cooler climate. 

Bodies naturally cool down when it is time for rest, so cooling off the room temperature is an easy way to work with the body in relaxing. The ideal temperature for sleeping is between 60-70 degrees Fahrenheit, where the body can still regulate and keep cool.

2. Avoid caffeine and nicotine close to bedtime.

Substances such as caffeine and nicotine are stimulants, meaning they tend to increase alertness, making it challenging to calm down and fall asleep. Generally, it’s a good idea to stop in-taking stimulants around 5-6 hours before trying to sleep, so the body has time to process and eliminate the effects of these.

3. Exercise.

Exercise can be a great way to improve sleep quality. Exercising too close to bedtime may have the opposite effect, as it raises body temperature and produces hormones like endorphins that can be energizing, but there are some ways to still get benefits from night workouts, if that’s the only option. 

If possible, it’s best not to exercise any later than 2-3 hours before bedtime. Taking a cold shower after a late workout can also be effective in cooling the body back down and working with it’s natural rhythm.

4. Limit light exposure at nighttime.

Circadian rhythms, the natural cycles bodies use to be alert in the morning and tired at nighttime, are affected hugely by light exposure. It’s best to limit light closer to bedtime, and to use devices such as small night lights for getting up in the middle of the night. This way the brain gets the signal to settle down and get ready to rest.

5. Use melatonin supplements, or drink chamomile tea.

Melatonin is a hormone naturally produced by the body to signal rest. Melatonin supplements are a way to increase melatonin in the body if it’s challenging to fall asleep. Chamomile tea is another supplemental item that can be helpful, as it’s thought to have relaxing effects in the brain’s sleep-wake transition.



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