Boost Efficiency of HVAC System Through Simple Auditing.


When you notice an increase in your energy bills which resulted from a drop in your energy efficiency then it is time to audit your HVAC system thoroughly. These changes may not be noticeable immediately but by the time it becomes obvious it gets tougher to handle.

If you detect such an increase in your energy consumption then it’s clear that something went wrong with your HVAC system. During the summer any modern air conditioning system requires a regular check so that it doesn’t become tougher for tackling the energy efficiency and utility bills.

This is clear that the costs of keeping cool during the summer season can be very steep and you may be paying more than you have to. But there are always ways to improve your HVAC efficiency and cut down on utility bills. Therefore, you need to know tips to improve the energy efficiency of your AC system through simple auditing.

Some Simple Tips To Keep Your HVAC System More Efficient.

Going Over Your Bills

You should spend some time comparing the totals of the last few monthly bills to detect the change in your energy efficiency. This is the best way to do an energy audit however, done by a professional can bring in better results. Our HVAC experts are more knowledgeable with whom you can schedule a meeting for professional maintenance.

Check Air Filters

The air filters in the HVAC cabinets remove dust and protect from other debris in the circulation. After 2-3 months these air filters get congested if not removed. These will block the air flow and force the AC to work harder. The energy efficiency needs good air quality which can be achieved by changing these air filters. Our specialists will put in new and fresh air filters and keep a check on the vents regularly throughout the season.

Keep Thermostat Setting Low

When you keep the thermostat setting lower than normal, you are keeping the compressor running longer. Our technicians recommend setting temperature at 78°F during the day. Raising the thermostat by a few degrees at night doesn’t affect the cooling but will save energy. 

Some HVAC systems use programmable thermostats that automatically change the temperature levels to the current situation. If the usage is low at home then it will automatically change the temperature levels. By doing so it is estimated that one degree change will bring 1% energy savings on annual energy totals.

Check Leaks And Defective Equipment

Patch up the air leaks, inspect furnace checklists and do necessary repairs to the equipment such as pipes, ducts, coils and unit fitting if they are defective. Our technicians can come and check the weatherproofing seals used on windows, doors and ducts.

They will repair it if they see any damages or wear down to your equipment. You can regularly call our technicians to clean all the dust and debris from chillers, boilers, and other heating & cooling equipment.

Further clean and clear the outdoor condenser cabinet area where the AC exhausts the heat and pushes it out from the indoors. If the cabinet grills are dirty or covered with dust, AC cannot work properly. This outdoor cabinet area needs to be cleaned about a foot on all sides. To clean off the dirt and grime you need a hose which doesn’t have a very high-pressure nozzle.

Check And Open Room Vents.

Make sure that the ventilation system is breathable and none is blocked by rugs, curtains, furniture or other household equipment. The vacuum hose can be used to clean off the lint from the registers. Make sure that room vents are fully open, if not make regular checks to keep them open.

Educate Your Workforce or Family Members.

Teach your workforce to turn off the computers, make sure to turn off the lights, to affect the building’s energy efficiency. Same can be done with children and other family members when checking the HVAC’s energy efficiency at home. Train your workforce how to reduce the load capacity, conduct a training session to teach them tips to effect and importance of energy saving.

Schedule Technicians for Maintenance.

Scheduling a session with a professional technician is the most essential step for energy efficiency. These technicians can regularly catch up with repairs and help avoid problems at an early stage. They can visit your house at your convenience and provide your AC a thorough inspection and tune-up. They will make sure that all the things are working properly and give you energy audits to boost efficiency throughout the summer season.


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